Data Integration Engineer
Are you enthusiastic about Data and Integrations? And would you like to be part of a journey aiming at placing Tryg as the best insurance company in the Nordics?
About us
As an IT professional working at Tryg, every day is your chance to make an impact and help shape the future IT setup of a leading Nordic insurance company. We’re looking to take every aspect of our IT setup and solutions to the next level, so all your ideas, ambition, input and experience are welcome and valuable. From agile workflows to best practices in development and choosing which new emerging technologies to bank on, your word matters here.
About the role
As part of this, the “Integration and Data” team is a core enabler with its unique ability to connect, integrate and move large amounts of data across systems. Our team is passionate about making sure that a seamless connectivity is established between different systems as we ship data around with standard and emerging integration patterns. We are a team of around 10 integration personnel wearing different hats like architect to engineer to system integrators depending on the nature of the engagement. Its an exciting time to be a part of this team which is looking at the next frontiers of distributed integration using events, APIs, cloud and data streaming.
As a Data Integration Engineer, you will play a crucial role in our integration area, focusing on data streaming and cloud-based distributed event streaming. You will work with technologies such as Kafka, microservices, asynchronous event-driven APIs, and the conventional integration stack based on IBM.
The runtime infrastructure is hybrid meaning we have a combination of On-Prem and Cloud technologies at play. This role requires a hands-on engineer who is well versed with the integration area and decent exposure to emerging integration trends around data and event streaming. We use a mix of an integration middleware along with microservices primarily based on Spring boot Java ecosystem. We are also in the process of exploring event streaming using Apache Flink and java streams. You will also be involved in platform engineering discipline, building and maturing integration and streaming solutions, and securing the underlying platform with guardrails including provisioning (using Terraform and CI/CD), monitoring, and technical facilitation.
About you
We are open to different backgrounds, but we expect that you bring in-depth experience in distributed integration along with sound grasp of data and event streaming.
Business understanding and empathy is essential to bring development, operation, security and business closer together.
As a Data Integration Engineer you will be exposed to tech stack, such as API based integration, data streaming, cloud-based distributed event streaming, Kafka, microservices, and asynchronous event-driven APIs. We also hope you have knowledge of platform engineering disciplines, including provisioning with Terraform, CI/CD, monitoring, and technical facilitation.
Send your application as soon as possible, but no later than 16th of January as we’ll be conducting interviews continuously.
If you have any questions regarding the role, you are welcome to contact Head of Data and Integration, Bent Vitek Christensen on
Diversitet & inklusion skaber et stærkere Tryg
Vi mener, at mangfoldighed i tankegang er afgørende for vores fremtidige succes, og vi ønsker at afspejle det samfund, vi er en del af. Derfor arbejder vi målrettet på at sikre en mangfoldig og inkluderende arbejdsplads, hvor du føler dig respekteret, kan være dig selv og har lige muligheder for at udvikle dig og gøre karriere.
Vi opfordrer derfor alle, uanset køn, alder, oprindelse eller baggrund, til at søge stillingen.
Læs mere om, hvordan det er at arbejde i Tryg
Sammen om din karriereudvikling
Hos Tryg har vi høj medarbejdertilfredshed og et stærkt tværfagligt miljø med gode karrieremuligheder. Udvikling og læring er en konstant proces hos os, og vi ønsker, at du vokser og udvikler dig sammen med os.
Uanset om du vil udvide dine faglige kompetencer, tage næste skridt i karrieren eller udforske nye områder, støtter vi dig på din udviklingsrejse.
Udforsk dine muligheder her
Vis tillid
Hos Tryg bygger vi på hinandens tillid, når vi bevæger os ud på ukendt grund som morgendagens tryghedsskaber. Vi tror på, at tillid og frihed under ansvar motiverer din nysgerrighed og dit mod til at gå nye veje. Du får ledere og kolleger, der lægger vægt på både trivsel og resultater.
Hos Tryg oplever du en kultur, der bygger på tillid, ansvar og udvikling hele vejen rundt..
Tag ansvar
Når du starter i Tryg, vil du hurtigt opdage, at ansvar er noget, der fylder. Jo mere ansvar, du vil have, jo mere får du, når du viser, at du kan leve op til det.
Her får du mandat til at udforske nye muligheder, koncepter og løsninger, der skaber tryghed for kunder, kollegaer og samfund i dag og i morgen.
Skab udvikling
I Tryg går du forrest og skaber udviklingen sammen med dine kolleger. Det kræver både mod, vilje og evnen til at gå nye veje. Her tør vi tage chancer, og det giver dig frihed til at forfølge dine idéer og skabe noget nyt.
Det giver store muligheder for dig, som kan, vil og tør sætte tryk på din egen og på Trygs udvikling.