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IT Sourcing Manager

Are you experienced in IT sourcing, negotiation, and contracting? Are you driven by building strong supplier relationships and advising stakeholders for optimal business outcomes? If so, you might be the perfect fit for our team. At Tryg, you will collaborate with top suppliers and key internal stakeholders, focusing on Nordic agreements with global suppliers.


About the Job | Drive Strategic IT Sourcing

As an IT Sourcing Manager, you will be a key player in our IT Procurement Team based in Ballerup, with the option to work from our offices in Malmø. Reporting to the Sr. Director of IT & Indirect Procurement, you will drive the planning, execution, and follow-up on a portfolio of strategic suppliers as well as IT sourcing and purchasing activities. Acting as a business partner, you will work closely with business representatives of BID (Business IT Development) and other relevant group functions to develop and support strategic sourcing plans and agreed activities.


Your primary tasks will include:

  • Analyzing and understanding the IT category spend
  • Supporting the development and implementation of IT category strategies, aligned to overall category and procurement strategy
  • Driving strategic sourcing activities, supplier negotiations, and contracting events in close cooperation with business peers
  • Standardizing procured products and services in collaboration with business representatives
  • Creating, maintaining, and strengthening awareness around our IT procurement services


About You | Strategic and Collaborative

To succeed in this role, you should have some experience with strategic IT purchasing and a strong commercial mindset. This experience can come from a similar role or from a background in sales, where you have gained insights from the sales side, understanding the dynamics of IT procurement. You should be able to work independently in planning, negotiating, executing, and implementing sourcing and purchasing activities. Additionally, you are a strong communicator capable of making an impact through solid collaboration skills. You are well-organized, with attention to detail, and can handle multiple tasks and projects in a deadline-driven environment. Moreover, we expect that you:

  • Have experience within various IT categories and knowledge about what drives TCO within hardware, software, on-prem, cloud, and SAAS
  • Are knowledgeable in preparing and executing sourcing activities, reviewing contracts, and optimizing negotiation terms, understanding the commercial and legal implications of relevant requirements and terms
  • Can work independently while maintaining a team mindset
  • Hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree within a relevant field of study
  • Are value-oriented, proactive, self-driven, and have a collaborative mindset
  • Communicate effectively in English and one of the Nordic languages, both spoken and written
  • Have hands-on experience with sourcing data center services, including mainframe services – or the energy to learn from our experts at Tryg


About Us | Collaborative and Innovative

If you want to make a difference, this is the place to be. You will join a talented team of highly experienced colleagues within IT Procurement, where you will work alongside experienced and passionate colleagues – in a setting where knowledge is shared, and responsibility is given to those who can and will. Our team is characterized by an informal tone and respect for each other both as team players and as individuals. With an informal working atmosphere, we share our knowledge, excel, and develop continuously. We strive to achieve remarkable results together; our team collaboration efforts help us to succeed.


We Look Forward to Hearing from You!

If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Director of IT, Indirect Procurement, Jesper Thies Hansen at


We encourage you to apply as soon as possible, as we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis. The application deadline is 28th of February 2025.

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Diversitet & inklusion skaber et stærkere Tryg

Vi mener, at mangfoldighed i tankegang er afgørende for vores fremtidige succes, og vi ønsker at afspejle det samfund, vi er en del af. Derfor arbejder vi målrettet på at sikre en mangfoldig og inkluderende arbejdsplads, hvor du føler dig respekteret, kan være dig selv og har lige muligheder for at udvikle dig og gøre karriere.

Vi opfordrer derfor alle, uanset køn, alder, oprindelse eller baggrund, til at søge stillingen.

Læs mere om, hvordan det er at arbejde i Tryg

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Sammen om din karriereudvikling

Hos Tryg har vi høj medarbejdertilfredshed og et stærkt tværfagligt miljø med gode karrieremuligheder. Udvikling og læring er en konstant proces hos os, og vi ønsker, at du vokser og udvikler dig sammen med os.

Uanset om du vil udvide dine faglige kompetencer, tage næste skridt i karrieren eller udforske nye områder, støtter vi dig på din udviklingsrejse.

Udforsk dine muligheder her

Er vores kendetegn også dine?

Vis tillid

Hos Tryg bygger vi på hinandens tillid, når vi bevæger os ud på ukendt grund som morgendagens tryghedsskaber. Vi tror på, at tillid og frihed under ansvar motiverer din nysgerrighed og dit mod til at gå nye veje. Du får ledere og kolleger, der lægger vægt på både trivsel og resultater.

Hos Tryg oplever du en kultur, der bygger på tillid, ansvar og udvikling hele vejen rundt..

Tag ansvar

Når du starter i Tryg, vil du hurtigt opdage, at ansvar er noget, der fylder. Jo mere ansvar, du vil have, jo mere får du, når du viser, at du kan leve op til det.

Her får du mandat til at udforske nye muligheder, koncepter og løsninger, der skaber tryghed for kunder, kollegaer og samfund i dag og i morgen.

Skab udvikling

I Tryg går du forrest og skaber udviklingen sammen med dine kolleger. Det kræver både mod, vilje og evnen til at gå nye veje. Her tør vi tage chancer, og det giver dig frihed til at forfølge dine idéer og skabe noget nyt.

Det giver store muligheder for dig, som kan, vil og tør sætte tryk på din egen og på Trygs udvikling.