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Software Engineer

Passionate about quality software and innovation? Want to be part of shaping Tryg’s financial software solutions and processes? Then we would like to hear from you. Come and help us create value out of data and build our financial software solutions!


About the role | Software Engineer 

As a software engineer in Data & Software Development, you will be part of a team that supports the Group Finance area with 200 colleagues. The team is responsible for building and maintaining a shared data infrastructure together with tools and software solutions which ensures efficient processes and high-quality reporting and insights.  


As a Software Engineer, you will be exposed to many different projects – some include improvements and additions of features to existing software, whereas others require you to build something ground up together with team members. You will have a key role in the development of our architecture of applications and services ensuring that we enable a composable technology foundation that will bring Group Finance to the next level. Additionally, you will:


  • Collaborate with colleagues in Group Finance to understand requirements and translate them into software solutions 
  • Participate in developing and maintaining web applications 
  • Build and maintain APIs 
  • Implement continuous integration and deployment processes for the team’s software products 
  • Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code 
  • Get the opportunity to apply innovative approaches 
  • Participate in regular meetings with the Group Finance teams to provide technical expertise and guidance 
  • Collaborate and share knowledge with other engineers and colleagues 


Our tech stack is always growing, but currently, the most important ones are: 

Languages: Python, R, SQL 

Technologies: K8S, DBT, redis, Kafka, Gitlab  


About you | Let your passion for software development come into play

We imagine that you have a background in Computer Science and have experience developing software, that is used by other developers. The code you write is clean and well-designed. Experience in the languages and technologies mentioned above is a plus, but not required. However, we expect you to be curious about learning new technologies and propose improvements to our current stack where you see fit.  


You are comfortable being handed a problem and deciding whether to delegate to team members or solve it yourself. Also, you value the opinions of your colleagues and users. The compromise between shipping products, and ensuring the code is documented and maintainable is something you understand to balance.


You communicate clearly in English, and preferably also in a Scandinavian language, both verbally and in writing.


About us | A culture of trust, cooperation and co-development 

This is the perfect moment to join us as we intensify our focus on the development and innovation of our data infrastructure and our software solutions. 


You will be part of a Nordic organization in a team of 4 colleagues dedicated to developing data infrastructure, applications, and services, which will support colleagues in the group finance area. You will get a large personal responsibility and wide opportunities for learning and growing your knowledge. 


We look forward to hearing from you! 

Please send your application as soon as possible, but no later than 7 March 2025. We will conduct interviews continuously and close the recruitment process when we find the right candidate. 


The interview process consists of three interviews: 1) a technical interview with a take-home task given beforehand, 2) an interview where we talk about the team and tasks, and 3) an interview where the talent acquisition partner from HR participates as well. 


If you have any questions about the role, please feel free to contact Asger Thorbjørn Thøgersen, Head of Data & Software Development, by email

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Diversitet & inklusion skaber et stærkere Tryg

Vi mener, at mangfoldighed i tankegang er afgørende for vores fremtidige succes, og vi ønsker at afspejle det samfund, vi er en del af. Derfor arbejder vi målrettet på at sikre en mangfoldig og inkluderende arbejdsplads, hvor du føler dig respekteret, kan være dig selv og har lige muligheder for at udvikle dig og gøre karriere.

Vi opfordrer derfor alle, uanset køn, alder, oprindelse eller baggrund, til at søge stillingen.

Læs mere om, hvordan det er at arbejde i Tryg

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Sammen om din karriereudvikling

Hos Tryg har vi høj medarbejdertilfredshed og et stærkt tværfagligt miljø med gode karrieremuligheder. Udvikling og læring er en konstant proces hos os, og vi ønsker, at du vokser og udvikler dig sammen med os.

Uanset om du vil udvide dine faglige kompetencer, tage næste skridt i karrieren eller udforske nye områder, støtter vi dig på din udviklingsrejse.

Udforsk dine muligheder her

Er vores kendetegn også dine?

Vis tillid

Hos Tryg bygger vi på hinandens tillid, når vi bevæger os ud på ukendt grund som morgendagens tryghedsskaber. Vi tror på, at tillid og frihed under ansvar motiverer din nysgerrighed og dit mod til at gå nye veje. Du får ledere og kolleger, der lægger vægt på både trivsel og resultater.

Hos Tryg oplever du en kultur, der bygger på tillid, ansvar og udvikling hele vejen rundt..

Tag ansvar

Når du starter i Tryg, vil du hurtigt opdage, at ansvar er noget, der fylder. Jo mere ansvar, du vil have, jo mere får du, når du viser, at du kan leve op til det.

Her får du mandat til at udforske nye muligheder, koncepter og løsninger, der skaber tryghed for kunder, kollegaer og samfund i dag og i morgen.

Skab udvikling

I Tryg går du forrest og skaber udviklingen sammen med dine kolleger. Det kræver både mod, vilje og evnen til at gå nye veje. Her tør vi tage chancer, og det giver dig frihed til at forfølge dine idéer og skabe noget nyt.

Det giver store muligheder for dig, som kan, vil og tør sætte tryk på din egen og på Trygs udvikling.